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Lesson 07 报盘和还盘(1 / 2)

lesson 07 报盘和还盘

making offer and counter-offer

01 i'm still waiting for your offer.


单词释义 offer [??f?(r)] n. 报价,开价,出价

02 can you make an offer at your earliest convenience?


词组释义 make an offer 出价,发盘,开价

03 in response to your enquiry, we are pleased to make you a special offer.


词组释义 special offer 特价,特别优惠

04 we can offer you a ation based on the international price.


单词释义 ation [kw???te??n] n. 报价,报价单

05 at your request, we are offering you the following items, and this offer will remain open for five days.


词组释义 at one's request 应某人的请求/要求

06 the customer wants to make a counter-offer.


词组释义 make a counter-offer 还价

07 this price is quite a bit higher than you offered last time.

最新小说: 少年无价 逐云墓场 落日快乐 帝师攻略 妻殇(崩毁人生) 清水雅然 海风与盐粒(停车场) 嫡长女她不好欺 只手遮天:名妻归来 九龙卦